Bruits Confus 006

Jawbox – FF=66, For Your Own Special Sweetheart, Atlantic, 1994
The Psychic Paramount – DDB, II, No Quarter, 2011
Dazzling Killmen – Bottom Feeder, Dig Out The Switch, Intellectual Convulsion, 1992
– Be Mine, Arrest, Murailles Music, 2014
Extra Life – The Body Is True, Made Flesh, Africantape, 2010

Improvisation libre : Billy : abdomen et respiration

Deerhoof – Dummy Discards a Heart, Apple O’, Kill Rock Stars, 2003
The Locust – We Have Reached an Official Verdict: Nobody Gives a Shit, New Erections, Anti-, 2007
Young Widows – Kerosene Girl, Easy Pain, Temporary Residence Limited, 2014
Cheer Accident – Camp O’ Physique, Introducing Lemon, Skin Graft, 2003
Mission Of Burma ‎- Donna Sumeria, The Obliterati, Matador, 2006


Production et animation : Billy Guidoni
Réalisation : Jean-Baptiste Imbert

Et les infos sur les concerts de la scène noise et math rock sur le facebook de Bruits Confus