Radia #54 – Fabrice Césario

Radia054 Cesario.

Fabrice Cesario a construit Radia #54 à partir de 3 séances d’improvisation.

The sound material for this program was recorded during 3 impro sessions where program maker Fabrice Cesario (multi-effects, radio, tape, whistling tube and solo analog synthesizer) invited other fellows. At first he played with Olivier Maurel (cello, multi-effects, FM and HF radio). Then joined Andy Bolus (homemade audio switch) and Erik Minkkinen (pitched voice, 80’s electronic drum) – this 4-person band was named ‘Phantom Power’ for this occasion (Andy insisted). The last session was a set by ‘Olga Tüdjnik’: a duet with Eva Jacobi (voice, toys and sound files). The program is a result of an editing of this material (recorded at each time on multi-tracks) with parsimonious addition of Fabrice’s solo performances.

Fabrice Cesario attempts to free music from the word ‘free’ – that has been a label among others which format and level music.

Fabrice Cesario voudrait rendre la musique libre du mot ‘libre’… qui est une étiquette parmi d’autres qui nivelle et formate.

He wants to put weight on the other scale of the machine. About this program, Fabrice says: « My music happens at the very moment I’m making it. What you can perceive in this radio program is not exactly the music I made: it is an ‘écorché’ (a cutaway – litterally ‘skinned’ in French) in the same way you won’t see life on anatomy boards. »

Selon Fabrice, sa musique prend vie à l’instant où elle se fait et donc n’existe ici qu’à l’état d »écorché’.

So, let’s make it music anew by experiencing its listening!

Elle n’est plus qu’une matière sonore qui peut redevenir musique par votre écoute, dans l’instant de votre écoute.