Bruits Confus 007

  • Le Singe Blanc – Koridasan, Demo Tape, 2017
  • Cardiacs – There’s good cud, Guns, Alphabet Business Concern, 1999
  • Séquence Underground – A TANT REVER DU ROI – interview
  • Francky goes to Pointe-à-Pitre – Plaisir coupable, Plaisir coupable, A tant rêver du roi, 2018
  • Ultra Zook – Can I Have Coens, Epuzzz, Gnougn Records, 2014
  • Improvistion: Laurent: mini-guitare Elisa: xylophone rond/boîte de conserve
  • Tombouctou – Headed Body, Ceiling Coast, Carogna records, 2017
  • Selection Stéphane ATRDR:
    • Ingrina, Black Hole (extrait), Etter Lys 2018
    • ZA!, Test d’Estrès (extrait) ,Pachinko Plex, 2018
    • Tapetto Tracy, extrait, Neurula, 2009
    • Bison Bisou, Fine (extrait), Bodysick, 2017
    • Barberos, Akropolis (extrait), s/t, 2017
  • Dog Faced Hermans – The running man, Mental blocks for all ages, Konkurrel, 1991
  • Polysics – The great brain (reprise de P-Model), Karate house, Ki/Oon records, 2007

Production et animation : Elisa Dienesch et Laurent Coupet
Réalisation : Sébastien Géli