Amongst the ravages of war, there is also this more discreet yet vital phenomenon : exile. Leave, stay? A question Liwaa Jazji tackles in her first documentary presented in the section of the “Ecrans Parallèles” at the FID.
To the question “to go where?” follows this one: what do we leave behind? A house, a neighborhood, an anchorage, constructed along the material life we live in. For this couple, ghostly images through Skype, we follow their absolute necessity of leaving and the desire to stay. There is also this man whose flat we explore, not determined to leave, although all his things are packed. He is always ready to leave, but he stays. Or this other man whose land of exile will be the Golan Heights, his lifelong enemy’s land. From one to the other, from Beirut, to refugee camps in Lebanon, those are so many destinies of anonymous people shifted around by the great movements of History, their loss of a familiar world and of much more. Destinies of ghosts haunting as much the now abandoned cities of Syria as those who have no choice but to leave everything behind.

An interview made by Carlotta Morteo (english and arabic)